League of Women Voters of St. Louis Park
Board Policies
Updated 2019
Policies adopted by the League of Women Voters St. Louis Park, hereinafter referred to as LWVSLP will be reviewed annually by the Board of Directors.
Suggestions for policies may be made by any member of LWVSLP or the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors shall adopt all policies.
After approval, all board members shall be given copies of the policies. Nominating committee members will also be given copies and shall alert prospective officers and directors to the nonpartisan responsibility of each board member.
The LWVSLP encourages citizen participation by its members and lobbies partisan government officials on issues. Members are encouraged to be active in their party, to actively support candidates and to run for public office as individuals. Members, as individuals, are also encouraged to introduce and vote for LWV resolutions at caucuses and conventions. Because LWVSLP must deal with the public officials of all political persuasions the LWVSLP can never be seen to favor one side or the other.
The president, voter service chair and action chair should not participate in political activity, i.e. endorsing a candidate, holding elective office appearing in campaign literature or ads, serving on steering committees for a candidate or holding party office. They should not display lawn signs, submit letters to the editor in favor of a particular candidate, or otherwise participate in activities that might publicly link them with a candidate or political party. LWV members should not display LWV lawn signs with political candidate signs. The LWVSLP Board must decide on an individual basis if a Board member’s political participation does or does not compromise the LWVSLP non-partisan status.
The LWVSLP president appoints a LWVSLP representative to serve with the group. The representative represents LWVSLP at all times and works within League positions. If not in agreement with the final decision, the representative writes a minority opinion and makes sure it is included in the final draft. IF the coalition refuses to state the minority opinion, the LWV SLP issues a disclaimer through the same channel that the report is publicized.
LWVSLP will donate time and talent but does not normally have funds to donate. LWVSLP must give written permission to have its name used in sponsoring. Each request will be considered on a case by case basis.
The roster of the LWVSLP is not available to any organization or individual outside the League unless authorized by the Board. There will be a statement so stating at the bottom of the front page of the roster.
LWVSLP Board and members submit monthly expense vouchers whether they wish reimbursement or not. Expenses must be listed for all functions Board members are required to attend and for materials needed. Receipts must be presented for reimbursement of grant funds. There is no reimbursement for unit meetings.
No LWVSLP meeting or function will be held in a place which is known to discriminate on the basis of race, religion or sex.
LWV is an organization fully committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion in principle and in practice. Diversity, equity, and inclusion are central to the organization’s current and future success in engaging all individuals, households, communities, and policy makers in creating a more perfect democracy.
There shall be no barriers to full participation in this organization on the basis of gender, gender identity, ethnicity, race, native or indigenous origin, age, generation, sexual orientation, culture, religion, belief system, marital status, parental status, socioeconomic status, language, accent, ability status, mental health, educational level or background, geography, nationality, work style, work experience, job role function, thinking style, personality type, physical appearance, political perspective or affiliation and/or any other characteristic that can be identified as recognizing or illustrating diversity.
LWVSLP Board members are expected to be a paid up member of the League and to participate as fully as possible in their units.
Any formal statement made in the name of LWVSLP must be approved by the president and at least one other Board member. A report must be made to the Board of Directors. No approval for testimony can be given over the telephone.
The Annual Meeting method of adopting local program shall be:
The League of Women Voters St. Louis Park (LWVSLP) encourages the public to submit written or emailed questions to candidates during the forum. All questions become the property of the LWVSLP.
An Annual Meeting shall be held between April 1 and June 1, the exact date to be determined by the Board of Directors. The Annual Meeting shall:
a. adopt a local program for the ensuing year,
b. elect officers, directors and members of the Nominating Committee,
c. adopt an adequate budget during the even –number year, and
d. transact such other business as may properly come before it.
Enumeration and Election of Officers. The Officers of the League of Women Voters St. Louis Park shall be a President or Co-President, a Vice President, a Secretary, and a Treasurer who shall be elected for terms of two years by the general membership at the annual Meeting and take office immediately. The President and the Secretary shall be elected in odd- numbered years. The Vice President and the Treasurer shall be elected in even-numbered years. At a minimum, LWV SLP officers shall include a President and the Treasurer. Vacancies during a term year may be filled by board appointment.
The President. The President shall preside at all meetings of the organization and of the Board of Directors, and shall co-sign or endorse checks, drafts, and notes over $500. The President shall be ex-officio, a member of all committees and shall have such usual powers of supervision and management as may pertain to the office of the President and perform such other duties as may be designated by the Board.
The Vice President. The Vice President shall, in the event of absence, disability, resignation, or death of the President, possess all the powers and perform all the duties of that office, until such time as the Board of Directors shall select one of its members to fill the vacancy. The Vice President shall perform such other duties as the President and Board may designate.
The Secretary. The secretary shall keep minutes of all meetings of the League and of all meetings of the Board of Directors, and shall notify all Officers and Directors of their election. The Secretary or Treasurer shall sign, with the President, contracts and other instruments when so authorized by the Board and shall perform such other functions as may be appropriate to the office.
The Treasurer. The Treasurer shall collect and receive all moneys due and shall be the custodian of these moneys, shall deposit them in a bank designated by the Board of Directors, and shall present statements to the Board at their regular meetings and an annual report to the Annual Meeting. The Treasurer shall arrange for an annual audit, or "review" of the books. The Treasurer shall be an ex-officio member of the Budget Committee. The Secretary or Treasurer shall sign, with the President, contracts and other instruments when so authorized by the Board and shall perform such other functions as may be incidental to the office.
Fiscal Year. The fiscal year of the League of Women Voters St. Louis Park shall commence on the first day of May of each year.
Dues. Annual dues shall be payable April 1st. Any member who fails to pay dues by the time of the annual meeting shall not be eligible to vote on League business until dues are paid. Any member who fails to pay by July 1 shall be dropped from the membership rolls.
Budget. A Budget for the ensuing year shall be submitted by the Board of Directors to the Annual Meeting in even-numbered years for adoption. The budget shall include support for the work of the League as a whole.
Budget Committee. A Budget Committee composed of two members in good standing, shall be appointed by the Board of Directors prior to the Annual Meeting in even numbered years to prepare a budget for the ensuing two years. The proposed budget shall be sent to all members before the Annual Meeting. The treasurer shall be an ex-officio member of the Budget Committee and the Finance Chair may be an ex-officio member of the Budget Committee.
Nominating Committee. The Nominating Committee shall consist of two members, one of whom shall be a member of the Board of Directors. Any vacancy on the Nominating Committee shall be filled by the Board of Directors. Suggestions for nominations for Officers and Directors may be sent to this Committee by any voting member. The Membership Chair shall be an ex-officio member of the Nominating Committee.
Report of Nominating Committee and Nominations from the Floor. The report of the Nominating Committee of its nominations for Officers, Directors and the members of the Succeeding Nominating Committee shall be sent to all members before the date of the Annual Meeting. Immediately following the presentation of this report, nominations may be made from the floor by any voting member provided the consent of the nominee shall have been secured.
Elections. The election shall be by ballot, provided that when there is but one nominee for each office, the Secretary may be instructed to cast the ballot for every nominee. A majority vote of those qualified to vote and voting shall constitute an election. Absentee or proxy voting shall not be permitted.
Authorization. The governmental principles adopted by the national convention, and supported by the League as a whole, constitute the authorization for the adoption of Program.
Program. The Program of the League of Women Voters St. Louis Park shall consist of: a) action to protect the right to vote of every citizen, and b) those local governmental issues chosen for concerted study and action.
Action by the Annual Meeting. The Annual Meeting shall act upon the Program using the following procedures:
National Convention. The Board of Directors, at a meeting before the date on which the names of delegates must be sent to the national office, shall select delegates to that Convention in the number allotted the League of Women Voters St. Louis Park under the provisions of the Bylaws of the League of Women Voters of the United States.
State Convention. The Board of Directors, at a meeting before the date on which the names of delegates must be sent to the state office, shall select delegates to that Convention in the number allotted the League of Women Voters St. Louis Park under the provisions of the Bylaws of the League of Women Voters Minnesota.
State Council. The Board of Directors, at a meeting before the date on which the names of delegates must be sent to the state office, shall select delegates to that Council in the number allotted the League of Women Voters St. Louis Park under the provisions of the Bylaws of the League of Women Voters Minnesota.
Inter-League Organization Convention. The Board of Directors, at a meeting before the date on which the names of the delegates must be sent to the state office, shall select delegates to that Convention in the number allotted to the League of Women Voters St. Louis Park under the provisions of the Bylaws of the Council of Metropolitan Area Leagues.
Updated 2018 reviewed and approved at the Annual Meeting
Updated 2019 reviewed by the Board of Directors Distributed to members at the Annual Meeting
Board Policies
Updated 2019
Policies adopted by the League of Women Voters St. Louis Park, hereinafter referred to as LWVSLP will be reviewed annually by the Board of Directors.
Suggestions for policies may be made by any member of LWVSLP or the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors shall adopt all policies.
After approval, all board members shall be given copies of the policies. Nominating committee members will also be given copies and shall alert prospective officers and directors to the nonpartisan responsibility of each board member.
The LWVSLP encourages citizen participation by its members and lobbies partisan government officials on issues. Members are encouraged to be active in their party, to actively support candidates and to run for public office as individuals. Members, as individuals, are also encouraged to introduce and vote for LWV resolutions at caucuses and conventions. Because LWVSLP must deal with the public officials of all political persuasions the LWVSLP can never be seen to favor one side or the other.
The president, voter service chair and action chair should not participate in political activity, i.e. endorsing a candidate, holding elective office appearing in campaign literature or ads, serving on steering committees for a candidate or holding party office. They should not display lawn signs, submit letters to the editor in favor of a particular candidate, or otherwise participate in activities that might publicly link them with a candidate or political party. LWV members should not display LWV lawn signs with political candidate signs. The LWVSLP Board must decide on an individual basis if a Board member’s political participation does or does not compromise the LWVSLP non-partisan status.
- Any and all members of LWVSLP may lobby or advocate for local issues upon approval of the LWVSLP Board.
- LWVSLP membership lists or LWVSLP meetings should not be used to solicit political contributions or to campaign for candidates.
- The nonpartisanship of the League of Women Voters is the basis of our public credibility and must be carefully maintained. All members bear responsibility for maintaining the League's reputation for fairness and objectivity. The discussion of nonpartisan policy should be a part of new board orientation.
- A Board member may not speak publicly or work against a National, State or Local LWV position.
- Directors not in highly visible positions may hold position in a political party at any level with Board approval after consideration of possible conflicts of interest.
The LWVSLP president appoints a LWVSLP representative to serve with the group. The representative represents LWVSLP at all times and works within League positions. If not in agreement with the final decision, the representative writes a minority opinion and makes sure it is included in the final draft. IF the coalition refuses to state the minority opinion, the LWV SLP issues a disclaimer through the same channel that the report is publicized.
- A LWVSLP representative to the coalition group should not issue independent reports, letters, etc. without getting previous Board approval.
- When the project is completed the coalition or committee ends.
- The president shall have a list of the representatives of the coalition and may publish their names in a directory.
LWVSLP will donate time and talent but does not normally have funds to donate. LWVSLP must give written permission to have its name used in sponsoring. Each request will be considered on a case by case basis.
The roster of the LWVSLP is not available to any organization or individual outside the League unless authorized by the Board. There will be a statement so stating at the bottom of the front page of the roster.
LWVSLP Board and members submit monthly expense vouchers whether they wish reimbursement or not. Expenses must be listed for all functions Board members are required to attend and for materials needed. Receipts must be presented for reimbursement of grant funds. There is no reimbursement for unit meetings.
No LWVSLP meeting or function will be held in a place which is known to discriminate on the basis of race, religion or sex.
LWV is an organization fully committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion in principle and in practice. Diversity, equity, and inclusion are central to the organization’s current and future success in engaging all individuals, households, communities, and policy makers in creating a more perfect democracy.
There shall be no barriers to full participation in this organization on the basis of gender, gender identity, ethnicity, race, native or indigenous origin, age, generation, sexual orientation, culture, religion, belief system, marital status, parental status, socioeconomic status, language, accent, ability status, mental health, educational level or background, geography, nationality, work style, work experience, job role function, thinking style, personality type, physical appearance, political perspective or affiliation and/or any other characteristic that can be identified as recognizing or illustrating diversity.
LWVSLP Board members are expected to be a paid up member of the League and to participate as fully as possible in their units.
- Names of writers and contributors to a publication should be credited.
- All publications should be reviewed by the president.
- All local publications should be reviewed before publication.
- The Board makes the decision on price if the publication is sold. Cost of the publication, if not covered by budget, must be approved by the Board. Pricing formula, pre-publication and other expenses to be recovered include the cost of: typing and proofing time, copying supplies and time, research time, complimentary copies, postage and stationery for drafts sent to readers, travel/child care/etc., overhead or contingency expenses.
- The number of copies published will depend on the number of members, whether or not the publication is to be sold, and whether complimentary copies are to be given away. Any bulk discounts will be decided by the Board.
- Publications should be distributed digitally whenever possible. For historical purposes, major publications should be submitted to the St. Louis Park Historical Society.
- LWVSLP members must have dues paid in full in order to participate in consensus and in the business of the Annual Meeting.
- Household membership will consist of two people living at the same address and both will have voting privileges. Household memberships will receive one copy of all publications.
- Members may act in the name of the League of Women Voters St. Louis Park only when authorized to do so by the appropriate board. They may act only in conformity with, and not contrary to, a position taken by the League of Women Voters St. Louis Park, the League of Women Voters of Minnesota and the League of Women Voters of the United States.
- LWVSLP may take action on local positions with the approval of the Board.
- LWVSLP may take action on the local level under a state position if the membership is back-grounded in the issue, LWV position and the action being taken.
- LWVSLP may take action on the state level under a local position on three conditions:
- The legislation must not be statewide in scope.
- Every affected local League must be notified of the proposed action.
- Approval for such action must be granted by the State Board.
Any formal statement made in the name of LWVSLP must be approved by the president and at least one other Board member. A report must be made to the Board of Directors. No approval for testimony can be given over the telephone.
The Annual Meeting method of adopting local program shall be:
- Presentation of all recommended and non-recommended items.
- Discussion of all items on the floor.
- Break to sign up for a study item on the floor.
- There shall be a three minute recess to sign up at least two members to work on each proposed new study. If two do not sign up, the proposed study will be dropped from consideration.
The League of Women Voters St. Louis Park (LWVSLP) encourages the public to submit written or emailed questions to candidates during the forum. All questions become the property of the LWVSLP.
- All viable candidates will be invited.
- Candidates will not be provided with prepared questions in advance.
- A table will be available for distribution of campaign literature in the entryway outside the Council Chambers. No campaign literature, campaign signs (including buttons and t-shirts) will be permitted in the Council Chambers.
- Paper and pen will be provided to candidates for use during the forum. Candidates may bring a prepared opening and closing statements, plus one 4” by 6” note card with prepared notes. No other written information will be allowed as spontaneous responses are preferred.
- Picture taking or videos may not interfere with the campaign forum
- All candidates are welcome at forums. If an invited candidate is unable or decides not to appear at a scheduled event, the event will still be held. This is the case even if only one candidate appears. Unopposed candidates may appear alone.
- Compliance with LWV Empty Chair Policy.
- No substitute representative for a candidate may appear during the question and answer portion of the forum.
- The moderator will announce that all candidates were invited to participate. No mention will be made of why a candidate did not appear, only that they declined or did not arrive. In announcing that a candidate is not participating, the moderator will present a brief statement of the factual reasons given by the candidate, if any, without any editorial comment.
- The order of speaking will be determined by the moderator.
- Strict time limits will be observed on responses – timekeepers will hold up cards to indicate 30 seconds of time remaining and “Stop” when time has expired.
- LWVSLP will determine which questions will be asked and will attempt, in good faith, to cover areas of interest expressed by the audience.
- Questions that are hostile, partisan, embarrassing, inappropriate or of a personal nature will not be allowed.
- Candidate responses that are hostile, partisan, embarrassing, inappropriate or of a personal nature will not be allowed.
- Prior to the forum, each candidate will be required to sign a release form giving permission for recording and rebroadcast of the forum.
- Evidence of intent to run for office will be required of a write-in candidate. Such evidence could include the formation of a campaign organization outlining volunteer staff, funding and evidence of public interest.
- All candidates will receive a copy of the LWVSLP Policy on Candidate Forums.
- Candidates will be asked to sign the following release:
An Annual Meeting shall be held between April 1 and June 1, the exact date to be determined by the Board of Directors. The Annual Meeting shall:
a. adopt a local program for the ensuing year,
b. elect officers, directors and members of the Nominating Committee,
c. adopt an adequate budget during the even –number year, and
d. transact such other business as may properly come before it.
Enumeration and Election of Officers. The Officers of the League of Women Voters St. Louis Park shall be a President or Co-President, a Vice President, a Secretary, and a Treasurer who shall be elected for terms of two years by the general membership at the annual Meeting and take office immediately. The President and the Secretary shall be elected in odd- numbered years. The Vice President and the Treasurer shall be elected in even-numbered years. At a minimum, LWV SLP officers shall include a President and the Treasurer. Vacancies during a term year may be filled by board appointment.
The President. The President shall preside at all meetings of the organization and of the Board of Directors, and shall co-sign or endorse checks, drafts, and notes over $500. The President shall be ex-officio, a member of all committees and shall have such usual powers of supervision and management as may pertain to the office of the President and perform such other duties as may be designated by the Board.
The Vice President. The Vice President shall, in the event of absence, disability, resignation, or death of the President, possess all the powers and perform all the duties of that office, until such time as the Board of Directors shall select one of its members to fill the vacancy. The Vice President shall perform such other duties as the President and Board may designate.
The Secretary. The secretary shall keep minutes of all meetings of the League and of all meetings of the Board of Directors, and shall notify all Officers and Directors of their election. The Secretary or Treasurer shall sign, with the President, contracts and other instruments when so authorized by the Board and shall perform such other functions as may be appropriate to the office.
The Treasurer. The Treasurer shall collect and receive all moneys due and shall be the custodian of these moneys, shall deposit them in a bank designated by the Board of Directors, and shall present statements to the Board at their regular meetings and an annual report to the Annual Meeting. The Treasurer shall arrange for an annual audit, or "review" of the books. The Treasurer shall be an ex-officio member of the Budget Committee. The Secretary or Treasurer shall sign, with the President, contracts and other instruments when so authorized by the Board and shall perform such other functions as may be incidental to the office.
Fiscal Year. The fiscal year of the League of Women Voters St. Louis Park shall commence on the first day of May of each year.
Dues. Annual dues shall be payable April 1st. Any member who fails to pay dues by the time of the annual meeting shall not be eligible to vote on League business until dues are paid. Any member who fails to pay by July 1 shall be dropped from the membership rolls.
Budget. A Budget for the ensuing year shall be submitted by the Board of Directors to the Annual Meeting in even-numbered years for adoption. The budget shall include support for the work of the League as a whole.
Budget Committee. A Budget Committee composed of two members in good standing, shall be appointed by the Board of Directors prior to the Annual Meeting in even numbered years to prepare a budget for the ensuing two years. The proposed budget shall be sent to all members before the Annual Meeting. The treasurer shall be an ex-officio member of the Budget Committee and the Finance Chair may be an ex-officio member of the Budget Committee.
Nominating Committee. The Nominating Committee shall consist of two members, one of whom shall be a member of the Board of Directors. Any vacancy on the Nominating Committee shall be filled by the Board of Directors. Suggestions for nominations for Officers and Directors may be sent to this Committee by any voting member. The Membership Chair shall be an ex-officio member of the Nominating Committee.
Report of Nominating Committee and Nominations from the Floor. The report of the Nominating Committee of its nominations for Officers, Directors and the members of the Succeeding Nominating Committee shall be sent to all members before the date of the Annual Meeting. Immediately following the presentation of this report, nominations may be made from the floor by any voting member provided the consent of the nominee shall have been secured.
Elections. The election shall be by ballot, provided that when there is but one nominee for each office, the Secretary may be instructed to cast the ballot for every nominee. A majority vote of those qualified to vote and voting shall constitute an election. Absentee or proxy voting shall not be permitted.
Authorization. The governmental principles adopted by the national convention, and supported by the League as a whole, constitute the authorization for the adoption of Program.
Program. The Program of the League of Women Voters St. Louis Park shall consist of: a) action to protect the right to vote of every citizen, and b) those local governmental issues chosen for concerted study and action.
Action by the Annual Meeting. The Annual Meeting shall act upon the Program using the following procedures:
- The Board of Directors shall consider the recommendations of the voting members prior to the Annual Meeting and shall formulate a Proposed Program.
- The Proposed Program shall be sent to all members before the Annual Meeting.
- A majority vote of the voting members (members in good standing) present and voting at the Annual Meeting shall be required for adoption of subjects in the Proposed Program as presented to the Annual Meeting by the Board of Directors.
- Recommendations for Program submitted by voting members prior to the Annual Meeting but not recommended by the Board of Directors may be considered by the Annual Meeting provided that: (1) the Annual Meeting shall order consideration by a majority vote and (2) the Annual Meeting shall adopt the item by a 3/5 majority vote.
- Changes on the Program, in the case of altered conditions, may be made provided that: (1) information concerning the proposed changes has been sent to all members to a general membership meeting at which the change is to be discussed and (2) final action by the membership is taken after board approval.
National Convention. The Board of Directors, at a meeting before the date on which the names of delegates must be sent to the national office, shall select delegates to that Convention in the number allotted the League of Women Voters St. Louis Park under the provisions of the Bylaws of the League of Women Voters of the United States.
State Convention. The Board of Directors, at a meeting before the date on which the names of delegates must be sent to the state office, shall select delegates to that Convention in the number allotted the League of Women Voters St. Louis Park under the provisions of the Bylaws of the League of Women Voters Minnesota.
State Council. The Board of Directors, at a meeting before the date on which the names of delegates must be sent to the state office, shall select delegates to that Council in the number allotted the League of Women Voters St. Louis Park under the provisions of the Bylaws of the League of Women Voters Minnesota.
Inter-League Organization Convention. The Board of Directors, at a meeting before the date on which the names of the delegates must be sent to the state office, shall select delegates to that Convention in the number allotted to the League of Women Voters St. Louis Park under the provisions of the Bylaws of the Council of Metropolitan Area Leagues.
Updated 2018 reviewed and approved at the Annual Meeting
Updated 2019 reviewed by the Board of Directors Distributed to members at the Annual Meeting
League of Women Voters United States Impact On The Issues

LWVUS positions www.lwv.org/impact-issues are voted and adopted by consensus by all US league members.
League of Women Voters Minnesota Program For Action

LWVMN positions are voted and adopted by consensus by all Minnesota league members.